The 2030 Club is an initiative to recognize utilities around the country that have established some of the most aggressive voluntary carbon reduction targets. The utilities recognized as members of this group have all voluntarily committed to achieving at least an 80% reduction in carbon emissions or to transitioning to a generation supply comprised of at least 80% clean energy resources by 2030. As a part of this initiative, the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) will explore the characteristics that enabled these utilities to become early adopters and innovators in the utility carbon reduction arena. SEPA intends for this initiative to provide benchmarking and best practices for utilities that are preparing to meet their own carbon reduction targets.
The energy transition is not limited solely to decarbonizing clean energy generation, particularly for utilities that own little or no generation assets. Carbon reduction strategies include a wide range of activities, including developing behind-the-meter customer programs and deploying energy storage and grid modernization technologies.
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