A Technology Liftoff for CMBlu Flow Batteries that could Lower Microgrid Costs with Easily Sourced Components

Liftoff CMBlu Flow Batteries Lower Microgrid Cost

Flow batteries, with their long-duration storage capabilities, reportedly can reduce costs and provide resilience in ways that can cut microgrid costs, reduce the need for sourcing metals outside the U.S. and speed the clean energy transition.

For example, flow battery provider ESS has completed a microgrid installation at Sycamore International, a technology recycling company in West Grove, Pennsylvania. ESS said its long-duration iron flow batteries are less expensive than other storage alternatives, in part because of their long life cycle. According to ESS, the iron flow battery in its Energy Warehouse will last for more than 20,000 cycles — or more than 20 years — without any capacity degradation.

San Diego Gas & Electric is installing a flow battery in its Cameron Corners microgrid, with a goal of reducing wildfire risks and the impact of public safety power shutoffs during extreme weather conditions. The microgrid will consist of solar and battery storage that will provide resilience to a middle school, library, health clinic, fire station and telecommunications hub.

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