Are we building the electricity system of the future?


Scientists are clear in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, the AR6 finished in 2023, even more as they were in the previous ones.

According to scientific evidence, global temperatures will continue to rise and adverse impacts from climate change will intensify. These projections are broadly explained in the AR6 report, considering different scenarios. Even if the global community were to succeed in implementing actions that would limit global warming to 1.5, in line with the ambition of the Paris Agreement, a scenario in which projected losses and damages could be significantly reduced, impacts on the human systems and ecosystems cannot be eliminated completely.

As many other human activities, energy sector, and specifically electricity system, is expected to be affected by climate change effects.

The expected physical effects of climate change will not be the same in all areas of the world. Furthermore, the level of risk depends on the exposure [1] and vulnerability [2] of different electricity systems or actors involved in their management, which are very different according to the characteristics (physical and political) of each territory. Thus, the potential risks and their impacts will differ substantially between regions.

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