GOWA’s Ambitious Offshore Wind Target Can Contribute to the Tripling Renewables Target by 2030


At COP28, global leaders committed to tripling renewable power capacity by 2030, following the recommendations of IRENA’s flagship report World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023. Amongst renewable energy sources, offshore wind plays a significant role in accelerating the energy transition and achieving the tripling target. According to the report, the world must install nearly 500 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind by 2030 to meet the climate goals.

Against this background, the Global Offshore Wind Alliance (GOWA) facilitated by IRENA, that was introduced at COP27, held a Ministerial event during the COP28 entitled ‘From targets to turbines: Next Steps in offshore wind.’ Opening the event, IRENA Director-General Francesco La Camera said, “The imperative to intensify our mitigation efforts has never been more pressing, and offshore wind energy stands at the forefront of this transformative journey.”

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