Sharing the Path to a Resilient, Secure Energy Grid: Highlights from The Energy Transition Summit

Resilient Secure Energy Grid

The Energy Transition Summit was a who’s who of energy cybersecurity leadership and experts from across government and industry. Keynotes included members of Congress, representatives from the White House Office of the National Cyber Director, DOE leaders, energy sector stakeholders, cyber solutions providers, investors, national laboratories, and academia. 

The collaboration of the Grid Modernization Initiative and CESER created an event that will build innovative partnerships in the future and further invigorate the clean energy transition. The Summit provided a unique opportunity for experts and thought leaders to strategize, find new venues for project integration, and champion their shared goals. 

Below we share our top five highlights from the 2023 event, along with our top three takeaways from the mainstage presentations.

The Wednesday cyber plenary featured both Anne Neuberger, Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology and Nana Ayensu, Special Assistant to the President for Climate Policy, Finance, and Innovation. Mr. Ayensu spoke to the role digitization can play in optimizing energy efficiency and further enabling system-level resilience. Ms. Neuberger addressed how AI could be used to detect occurrences which are outside of baseline or to aggregate and integrate information into response planning.

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La tecnología se aplica a través de servicios  y se encuentran políticas y regulaciones transversales establecidas.

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