The time is ripe for utilities to play a larger role in the energy transition

utilities energy transition low- to moderate-income customers residential electrification

As our nation marks the 54th Earth Day next week, and we face the urgency of addressing climate change and the risks that it poses to our communities and our economy, we must acknowledge the vital role that the power sector needs to play to facilitate the transition to clean energy.

With the Inflation Reduction Act spurring $464 billion in investment from the private sector in clean energy projects and other technological improvements across the electric power sector, the time is ripe for utilities to play a larger role as leaders in moving the country towards a more sustainable efficient, and equitable energy future.

It is no secret that underrepresented communities are disproportionately affected by climate change. Many of these marginalized groups receive the brunt of extreme weather events, including floods, fires and hurricanes, and research has found that low-income households in the U.S. have longer and more difficult post-disaster recoveries with longer-term negative financial impacts. At the same time, these groups are exposed to higher levels of pollution from dirty power plants, refineries and diesel truck emissions.

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