What do employees really want out of generative AI?

employees generative AI gen AI technical skills

As the use of generative AI (gen AI) becomes more common in the workplace, organizations are focused on how the technology can increase productivity levels. But how do employees who use gen AI view their evolving work experience? Our recent survey shows that employees who identify as creators and heavy users of gen AI are surprisingly seeking something other than additional technical skills: social-emotional skills, meaningful work, and a supportive environment.

How can organizations humanize gen-AI-fueled productivity gains and retain high-demand talent? Leaders can close the gap by reimagining jobs, redefining workplace flexibility, and listening to employees, say McKinsey’s Aaron de SmetBryan Hancock, and coauthors.

Check out these insights to explore how gen AI efficiencies and organizational innovation can go hand in hand.

The human side of generative AI: Creating a path to productivity

Human-centered AI: The power of putting people first

Rethinking organizational health for the new world of work

The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier

Driving innovation with generative AI

Ten unsung digital and AI ideas shaping business

What every CEO should know about generative AI

Generative AI fuels creative physical product design but is no magic wand

Beyond the hype: Capturing the potential of AI and gen AI in tech, media, and telecom

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