La última edición del informe del DOE, Adoption of Light-Emitting Diodes in Common Lighting Applications (Adopción de los diodos emisores de luz en aplicaciones comunes de iluminación), modela el estado actual del mercado estadounidense de iluminación general y ofrece un análisis de las ventajas reales y potenciales de ahorro de energía y dinero asociadas a las lámparas y luminarias LED.
The new report estimates annual U.S. energy savings of 1.3 quadrillion Btu (quads) in 2018 due to LED adoption, equivalent to cost savings of $14.7 billion for consumers and about 5% of total electricity use from buildings in 2018. The theoretical potential for widespread use of the most efficient, connected LED products would amount to over 5 quads of energy savings, nearly four times greater than present energy savings and equivalent to about 20% of total building electricity use in 2018.