Cost-Effective Decarbonisation Study

The aim of this study is therefore firstly to review existing policies to consider whether they have achieved the ‘triangle’ of energy objectives. This is the focus of chapters two, three and four.
Secondly, the core of this study is to review the available evidence that the Commission, the Parliament and the Member States will need to take into account in reaching decisions on this ‘optimal equilateral triangle’ approach.

In particular the study benchmarks and peer reviews a wide range of scientific, academic and industry studies and literature in order to attempt to provide an objective review – or ‘consensus analysis’ – regarding the likely future costs and other challenges relevant to the different technologies and energy options that will need to make up the EU’s energy future. This is the focus of chapters five, six and seven.

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La tecnología se aplica de manera generalizada  y se tiene un despliegue masivo de esta.

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