Dado que la generación de energía desempeña un papel crucial para la industria minera, la energía renovable descentralizada (ERD) ofrece una serie de ventajas, como un suministro de electricidad fiable y moderno, la reducción de los costes, la disminución del impacto ambiental, así como el potencial para mitigar el cambio climático a escala.
The global mining sector is currently facing a conundrum. As a growing energy and emission-intensive industry, the mining sector continues to be exposed to policy and regulatory risks arising from concerns of climate change and impacts on the environment. The remoteness of mine sites and difficulty in accessing reliable electricity grids, has compelled the industry to heavily depend on fossil fuels as an energy source, especially for extractive and transportation equipment, as well as for mineral processing. This has positioned the mining sector to be among the highest greenhouse gas emitters.
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