Dado que el número de licenciatarios en el mercado de la energía parece aumentar, impulsado principalmente por la reciente decisión del gobierno de otorgar poderes a Ofgem para regular las redes de calor, se requiere un nuevo enfoque para regular a los licenciatarios. Esta evolución propone una forma de digitalizar las licencias y exige un nuevo enfoque para medir el éxito de esas regulaciones y el cumplimiento de las mismas.
By taking this approach, a renewed focus on deploying and measuring regulatory interventions at scale and pace can be taken. This will increase certainty for licensees and Ofgem, and enable new approaches to regulation with a focus on intervening only where unacceptable risk to consumers or the energy system is identified. High quality and regular reporting data will enable early warning systems to develop, with Ofgem being able to identify trends across licensees and intervene before significant harm to consumers or the energy system occurs.
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