Nuestro último documento de debate «Documento de debate: Cómo las subvenciones al usuario final pueden ayudar a lograr el acceso universal a la energía» tiene como objetivo informar el debate sobre cómo las subvenciones al usuario final para soluciones solares fuera de la red encajan en el «conjunto de herramientas» de soluciones de financiación pública para acelerar el acceso a la energía. Se ha elaborado tras entrevistar a 25 miembros del GOGLA.
The prevailing view of the companies interviewed for this paper is that end-user subsidies will be needed to reach the poorest households with clean energy access. This is a shift in the sector’s view compared to June 2015 – when the last Industry Position on subsidies was released by GOGLA on behalf of its members. However, despite this change in view, interviewees still shared concerns around the design and implementation of end-user subsidies. Such initiatives must be carefully approached to ensure they minimise the risk of negative market distortion and complement the growth of long-term, sustainable markets.