El año 2021 supuso una demanda excepcional para los mercados eléctricos de todo el mundo. El fuerte crecimiento económico, combinado con inviernos más fríos y veranos más cálidos, impulsó la demanda mundial de electricidad en más de un 6%, el mayor aumento desde la recuperación de la crisis financiera en 2010.
Building on our analysis of these recent events, the January 2022 edition of the IEA Electricity Market Report presents our forecasts for demand, supply and emissions in global electricity markets through 2024. While renewables are set to meet the vast majority of the increase in global electricity demand in the coming years, this trend would only result in a plateauing of emissions from electricity generation. That is insufficient for the power sector to fulfil its critical role as a leading force in the decarbonisation of economies around the world.
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