The Energy Storage Grand Challenge (ESGC) Energy Storage Market Report 2020 summarizes published literature on the current and projected markets for the global deployment of seven energy storage technologies in the transportation and stationary markets through 2030. This unique publication is a part of a larger DOE effort to promote a full-spectrum approach to technology development and maturation, embodied by the ESGC three key challenges of “Innovate Here, Make Here, Deploy Everywhere.”
The Energy Storage Market Report is a component of the Technology Transition Track of the ESGC Roadmap and was developed by DOE’s Office of Technology Transitions, Office of Electricity, and Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. The Technology Transition Track supports the transition of DOE’s R&D activities to markets through field validation, demonstration projects, public-private partnerships, bankable business model development, and the dissemination of high-quality market data.
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