El 30 de marzo, la Plataforma Consultiva sobre Financiación Sostenible (PSF) de la Comisión Europea publicó su informe final con recomendaciones sobre los criterios técnicos de selección para los cuatro objetivos medioambientales restantes de la taxonomía de la UE. En general, Eurelectric acoge con satisfacción el enfoque de la Plataforma que considera las actividades relacionadas con la energía hidroeléctrica que contribuyen sustancialmente a los objetivos climáticos y de biodiversidad.
Nevertheless, in our view, activity 3.1 “Environmental refurbishment of facilities that produce electricity from hydropower” is already comprehensively reflected by activity 8.2 “Restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems” (actually 9.2 in the report, b ut we assume this has been an error). This position is supported by the fact that a clear reference is made to activity 8.2 in terms of the Technical Screening Criteria for activity 3.1. In our opinion, any additional, technologyspecific requirements that contain neither solid evidence nor logical argumentation sincerely endanger a level playing field for renewable energy and counteract positive developments related to the Taxonomy’s objectives.
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