La flexibilidad dentro del sistema de energía eléctrica se está convirtiendo en una solución cada vez más prominente y buscada, que puede ser utilizada tanto por el operador del sistema de transmisión como por el operador del sistema de distribución para resolver/evitar problemas de la red como la congestión de la red, las violaciones de la tensión, el equilibrio del sistema, etc.
To adapt to the various changes, the interaction between stakeholders within the electricity supply chain is becoming increasingly more important. These interactions, despite their various challenges, provide many opportunities for increased efficiency of the operation and planning of modern networks in the future. To utilize flexibility to its full potential, coordination between various stakeholders within the energy supply chain is required. The increased need for stakeholder interaction relies on the advanced collaboration between respective parties which needs to be facilitated through technology advancements, data exchange mechanisms, regulatory considerations, and economic analysis.
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