La Agencia Europea de Ciberseguridad (ENISA) y el Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior (SEAE) han unido sus fuerzas para estudiar y analizar el panorama de las amenazas relativas a la manipulación e interferencia de información extranjera (FIMI) y la desinformación. Se propone un marco analítico específico, coherente con la metodología de ENISA Threat Landscape (ETL), con el objetivo de analizar tanto los aspectos de FIMI como de ciberseguridad de la desinformación.
The concept of Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) has been proposed by the EEAS, as a response to the call of the European Democracy Action Plan for a further refinement of the definitions around disinformation. Although disinformation is a prominent part of FIMI, FIMI puts emphasis on manipulative behaviour, as opposed to the truthfulness of the content being delivered. Several strategic documents, such as the Strategic Compass for Security and Defence and the July 2022 Council Conclusions on FIMI, refer to the importance of countering FIMI as well as hybrid and cyber threats.
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