High-impact weather events are becoming more frequent and severe around the world. Regular, mid-tier events such as heavy rainstorms, high winds and seasonal flooding are also increasing in number. These two trends in combination are ratcheting up operational stress on transmission and distribution utilities. And utility executives around the world know it: 92% of the more than 200 respondents we surveyed as part of our Digitally Enabled Grid research expect extreme weather events to increase, and 83% see this trend as a threat to grid stability.
For years, electric utilities focused largely on grid reliability, however, that approach alone has become inadequate for utilities and for society at large, especially when one considers the bigger picture. When a utility is facing extreme weather and a secondary event, such as cyber-attacks, earthquakes, geomagnetic storms, warfare, wildfires, and, as we now see, pandemics such as COVID-19 occurs, the situation can quickly move from bad to worse. While utilities clearly understand the risks, few are very well-prepared to deal with the impacts of extreme weather.
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