Indonesia es clave en la transición energética. Tiene el mayor consumo de energía entre los Estados miembros de la Asociación de Naciones del Sudeste Asiático (ASEAN), y su uso de energía va a aumentar considerablemente a medida que su economía y su población crezcan en las próximas décadas.
With an abundance of renewable resources, Indonesia is uniquely positioned to develop a sustainable energy system based on renewable energy that can support economic development and address climate change, whilst also achieving energy security, universalisation and affordability goals. Complementing IRENA’s global (World Energy Transitions Outlook) and regional renewable energy outlooks (such as the Renewable Energy Outlook for ASEAN), this country-level Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook draws from IRENA’s Renewable Readiness Assessment, Renewable Energy Roadmap toolkit (REmap) and Power System Flexibility Assessment to chart possible energy pathways to 2050.
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