Las microrredes están demostrando ser la tecnología energética de nuestro tiempo. Son una forma de energía local que mantiene el flujo de energía a los clientes cercanos cuando falla la red eléctrica. Las microrredes también ayudan a los clientes a gestionar los costes, ganar prosperidad energética y reducir las emisiones de carbono. Las microrredes prestan servicios a la red eléctrica: pueden ser un recurso valioso cuando la red se ve afectada o desbalanceada.
To review: A microgrid is a self-sufficient energy system that serves a discrete geographic footprint, such as a college campus, factory, hospital complex, business center, military installation or neighborhood. Microgrids can operate independently from the grid using power generated on-site; they can also be used for backup power. Microgrids are designed to operate consistently in both “blue sky” and emergency situations supported by a range of energy resources, such as renewable energy, energy storage, combined heat and power or generators. It’s easy to know which buildings have microgrids. They are the ones lit up during grid outages, while surrounding buildings remain in the dark.
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