The UK is committed to development of a net zero carbon economy and society by 2050. In the energy sector, most progress has been made in decarbonising electricity; progress in energy efficiency, heat and transport is limited, and now urgent (IPCC, 2018; CCC, 2019; IEA, 2019a; BEIS, 2020a). These are all areas where local authorities have responsibilities and track records, but austerity
in public finances, and lack of clear strategic direction from UK government, has limited their ability to plan and invest in net zero carbon localities.
The 2020 coronavirus pandemic is now shifting the terrain of economic policy, with many governments turning to macro-economic models and fiscal policies for a renewed social contract where public services are investments rather than liabilities (Financial Times Editorial Board, 3rd April 2020). In this context, local authorities can be significant actors in a new economic normal geared to net zero emissions in buildings, heating and transport systems.This Report discusses the multiple societal benefits and value of investing in UK localities and regions to meet net zero carbon objectives. It shows the major social returns from very affordable public investment. It outlines current Local Authority action on clean energy and energy saving, and considers changes needed for scaling up the contribution of local authorities to a net zero UK.
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