En un mundo que acelera los esfuerzos para combatir el cambio climático y en medio de crecientes incertidumbres económicas y geopolíticas, España podría desempeñar un papel estelar. La riqueza de recursos naturales, el desarrollo de infraestructuras y las profundas capacidades técnicas de este país lo sitúan en una posición ideal para liderar una transición verde.
Our analysis has identified five key characteristics for this transition (exhibit): It is urgent, given the potential physical risks associated with rising temperatures. It is possible, as suggested by our net-zero scenario, and significant in its scale and scope. Furthermore, it will be tech-driven, because the development and deployment of new low-carbon technologies will be the critical enablers of the transition. And it will be rich in opportunities because Spain can leverage its natural endowments and technical capabilities to lead Europe in the transition and create substantial socioeconomic impact along the way.
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