En el contexto del creciente proteccionismo en otras regiones del mundo, Europa necesita revisar y adaptar su política comercial, incluida la adopción de medidas audaces sobre las subvenciones extranjeras.
European companies increasingly face unfair competition from third country producers in the internal market. With this position, we want to highlight the negative consequences and risks faced due to unfair practices, including subsidies, while also underlining where there is an urgent need to legislate and reinforce high-level standards. ESMIG members strongly defend open markets and free competition which is indispensable for innovation, technology development and a well-functioning economy. However, competition needs to be fair and transparent.
Europe needs to make sure competition rules ensure a fair level playing field for EU and non-EU competitors. The absence of a level playing field is distorting competition in the single market to the detriment of innovative European companies in strategically important sectors. In the context of growing protectionism in other world regions, Europe needs to review and adapt its trade policy including taking bold actions on foreign subsidies.
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