Los puestos de trabajo son de gran importancia en cualquier economía. Son especialmente críticos a medida que se desarrolla la transición energética, dados los cambios y alteraciones previstos en las estructuras económicas. Los puestos de trabajo representan un beneficio tangible que hace que la gente participe en esta transformación y, por tanto, promete aumentar su aceptación política.
The ninth edition of IRENA’s series, Renewable energy and jobs: Annual review 2022, produced in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO), provides the latest estimates of renewable energy employment globally. Based on a wide range of studies and reports the report surveys the global renewable energy employment landscape as of 2021. It discusses experiences in selected countries with respect to deployment trends, policy contexts and pandemic impacts, with an eye to job numbers as well as job quality. This edition spotlights issues of job quality and labour standards in the mining and processing of raw materials inputs (upstream) and in the handling of materials once renewable energy generating facilities are decommissioned (downstream).
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