Las subastas de energías renovables en Colombia fueron diseñadas para complementar los mecanismos del mercado eléctrico del país, que eran insuficientes para atraer el desarrollo de energías renovables no hidroeléctricas a gran escala. Ahora brindan a Colombia oportunidades para diversificar el suministro de energía y aumentar la resiliencia del sector eléctrico, al mismo tiempo que fomentan la confianza de los inversores.
The first auction, in February 2019, assigned bids between buyers and sellers, but did not award any contracts. Participation rates were promising, however, leading authorities to accelerate discussions on holding a second auction. Following modifications in the four categories of IRENA’s auction design framework – auction demand; qualification requirements and documentation; winner selection criteria; and risk allocation – in October 2019, the second auction successfully awarded contracts.
This report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) analyses the changes in design between the two auctions, as well as their price outcomes and the factors affecting those prices.
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