Descubra las principales conclusiones del estudio e informe «Scope 3 emissions – A common knowledge basis for the energy industry». El estudio fue realizado por DNV en nombre de Offshore Norge.
The oil and gas industry is facing evolving requirements from external and internal stakeholders when it comes to managing and reporting the GHG emissions generated from its activities. For decades the operators have been reporting direct emissions from operations of the fields and assets on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). However, in recent years also indirect emissions occurring along the value chain upstream and downstream of the fields and assets (Scope 3 emissions) have been subject to increasing scrutiny from various stakeholders. Data from IHS Markit shows that Scope 3 emissions in 2019 accounted for an average of about 88% of the total value chain carbon footprint from the oil and gas sector (Clean Energy News, 2021). As part of the energy transition, the reporting of GHG emissions, including Scope 3 emissions, is therefore developing from being a voluntary reporting activity to becoming a vital part of securing the financial backbone for the industry through meeting stakeholder expectations.
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