Los países de todo el mundo necesitan gran expansión de las energías renovables, redes eléctricas más inteligentes y un gran aumento del número de vehículos, Estos tres elementos -combinados en una estrategia de «electrificación inteligente»- serán cruciales para dar forma al nuevo sistema energético dominado por las renovables.
The world has made the transition from one dominant form of energy to another several times. The replacement of fossil fuels with renewables marks the next historic shift. Yet, to ensure sustainability and global climate stability, this latest energy transformation needs to happen much faster. electricity’s growth begin as soon as possible, as every year the increase in electrification with renewables is delayed means an even greater acceleration is needed. If the world would like to hold the line at a 1.5°C temperature increase, then the pace of electrification with renewables must accelerate further still to meet additional clean electricity uses required by 2050.
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