El presente informe proporciona los elementos analíticos en los que se basa la Comunicación en su respuesta a los llamamientos del Consejo de Competitividad para que la Comisión evalúe la resistencia del mercado único de la crisis de COVID-19; defina e informe periódicamente sobre los indicadores clave de rendimiento sobre la estrategia industrial y la competitividad; y haga un balance de la aplicación del Plan de Acción para el Cumplimiento del Mercado Único (marzo de 2020). Plan de Acción para la Aplicación del Mercado Único (SMEAP) de marzo de 2020.
The events of the past year have exposed the EU’s economy to an unprecedented and sustained shock, with the EU economy contracting by 6.3%. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were especially affected. This was also caused – and aggravated – by the unilateral introduction of a number of restrictions to the free movement of goods and people, which led to severe supply chain disruptions. These came on top of existing barriers identified in the March 2020 Single Market Barriers report and the SMEAP. The crisis also confirmed the interdependence of global value chains
and demonstrated the importance of a globally integrated and well-functioning Single Market.
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