Este informe proporciona el primer análisis completo de las aplicaciones de motores de imanes permanentes en los mercados de electrodomésticos fuera de la red y fuera de la red. Caracteriza el mercado global actual y futuro de motores de imán permanente, evalúa y segmenta el mercado potencial direccionable para aplicaciones fuera de la red y fuera de la red, cuantifica los beneficios del motor e identifica las barreras y los impulsores para la adopción.
The off-grid solar energy market is poised to grow significantly in the next decade, with the majority of growth occurring in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. As the market matures, product suppliers are anticipated to adopt more energy-efficient technologies that drive the market toward better value products.
Appliances using permanent magnet motors use between 22-42% less energy than those using conventional motors. These savings deliver significant cost savings to the consumer and growth opportunities to the market. A household switching from conventional appliances to permanent magnet motor appliances will save 30% in the net cost of their solar energy system, even after accounting for a 20% price premium, the report finds.
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