Net Zero Carbon Policy es un proyecto de liderazgo, que se centra en cómo el Reino Unido puede desarrollar un marco de innovación amigable para toda la economía para Net Zero.
Nos basamos en los conocimientos de nuestro proyecto Rethinking Decarbonisation Incentives, para desarrollar opciones políticas creíbles para una transición eficiente y socialmente beneficiosa.
In this report, The Case for an Economy-Wide Carbon Regulator, we make the case for a new regulator to oversee accurate and coherent monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) of greenhouse gas emissions reduction and removal across the economy. A so-called ‘Carbon MRV and Accounting Regulator’ could play a pivotal role in ensuring:
- Robust empirical and scientific methods for measuring or accurately estimating emissions.
- Reported emissions reduction actually occurs in line with Carbon Budgets and the Paris Agreement.
- Reductions in, and removals of, emissions are accounted for and rewarded appropriately through Government implemented policy.
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