Después de que la experiencia de CoordiNet llegara a su fin el pasado mes de junio con una exitosa conferencia final en Bruselas, el proyecto está listo para compartir su informe final de resultados. El proyecto CoordiNet, financiado por la UE en el marco de Horizonte 2020, es un buque insignia de las actividades de E.DSO, que establece la cooperación entre todas las partes interesadas en la energía para allanar el camino hacia unas redes eléctricas seguras, inteligentes, digitalizadas y preparadas para el futuro.
CoordiNet worked for three years and a half to foster cooperation among Distribution System Operators (DSOs), Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and consumers for the optimal leveraging of flexibility resources for a secure and efficient electricity grid. A set of grid services and products characterised by harmonised attributes were defined from the analysis of System Operators’ (SO) needs and integrated to develop a common classification of TSO-DSO coordination schemes. These were tested and validated in three large-scale demonstrations in Spain, Sweden and Greece which highlighted that there is no one-size-fits-all coordination scheme, due to local differences, distinct regulations, and diverse market maturity levels.
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