La invasión no provocada de Rusia en Ucrania ha tenido un impacto dramático en el sistema energético mundial. Rusia era el mayor exportador de petróleo y gas natural del mundo en 2021, y los mercados energéticos se han visto sumidos en la confusión, con importantes riesgos para la seguridad energética y el suministro en todo el mundo.
Substantial gas resources currently are being produced that do not make it to market because they are lost to flaring and leaks across the oil and gas supply chain. This report estimates that nearly 210 billion cubic metres (bcm) of natural gas could be made available to gas markets by a global effort to eliminate non-emergency flaring and reduce methane emissions from oil and gas operations.
If countries that currently export natural gas to the European Union were to implement these two measures, they could increase gas exports by more than 45 bcm using existing infrastructure, equivalent to almost one third of Russian gas exports to the EU in 2021.
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