El estudio identifica muchas tendencias útiles entre las empresas de servicios públicos en lo que respecta al uso conjunto, que incluyen: seguridad, suministro de energía confiable, medición del consumo de energía y prevención de polos sobrecargados. El objetivo de este informe es ayudar a los lectores a comprender los problemas de conexión de postes que enfrentan las empresas de servicios públicos y cómo gestionan esos problemas. El informe concluye con lecciones clave aprendidas que fueron citadas por nuestros encuestados.
The UTC Joint Use Study is aimed at utilities that are preparing for or already in the midst of a surge in joint-use requests, and for other industry stakeholders that need to understand the utility mindset to be successful.
The study identifies many useful trends among utilities as they deal with joint use including: safety, reliable supply of power, measuring power consumption, and preventing overloaded poles. The goal of this report is to help readers understand the pole-attachment issues that utilities encounter and how utilities manage those issues. The report concludes with key lessons learned that were cited by our respondents.
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