As the old saying goes, only two things are certain in life: death and taxes. If that phrase were refreshed for the 21st-century, we might add hair-raising cybersecurity incidents to the list of life’s certainties. Rarely a week goes by without reports of a data breach, supply-side attack or some other business-crippling ordeal.
Lucrative low-hanging-fruit attacks, such as phishing and ransomware, will continue in 2025. But the capabilities of attackers are evolving at a tremendous pace, changing the scale at which traditional attacks can be launched and leading to the emergence of new threat actors.
This is in large part thanks to advances in generative AI. Just as organisations are using GenAI to enhance productivity, so too are hackers. GenAI is enabling cybercriminals to gather intelligence quickly and efficiently, and to create more sophisticated attacks, such as deepfakes, with ease. Attacks once required a considerable amount of time and investment; perpetrators had to identify high-value targets, study patterns of communication and research company documents, for instance. But machines can now complete this prep work in a fraction of the time.
In cybersecurity, knowing what to defend against is half the battle. Here are the major cybersecurity trends that businesses must prepare for in the coming year.
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