2025 Renewable Energy Outlook: Full speed ahead as second Trump administration begins

Wind turbines operate at a wind farm near solar panels on March 6, 2024, near Palm Springs, California.

The renewables industry begins 2025 with the Inflation Reduction Act continuing to spur record investment, and spiking load growth providing new opportunities for deployment. At the same time, interconnection queues across the country remain clogged, siting, permitting, financial and other challenges continue, and industry critic Donald Trump just began his second term as president.


“It’s an interesting moment, because there is this really rapid change, and yet we’re stuck in some really key ways,” said Heather O’Neill, president and CEO of Advanced Energy United. “The interconnection queue is one really clear example where, yes, there’s some progress — FERC’s putting out reform measures — and yet we’re not unleashing the full promise and the economic opportunity and activity that we could.”



After decades of flat load growth, U.S. electricity demand could rise 128 GW over the next five years, according to a report last month from Grid Strategies. At the same time, the number of new transmission interconnection requests has risen by 300% to 500% over the last decade, with 2.5 TW of clean energy and storage capacity currently waiting to connect to the grid, said an October report from the Department of Energy.

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