3 New York Automobile Dealerships Install Solar and Storage Microgrids

Sproket Power photo of building with solar panels.

Three auto dealerships in New York have a more economical and sustainable way to charge the electric vehicles on their lot – a state-of-the-art solar and energy storage microgrid.


The grid-connected microgrids were installed by Sprocket Power, a clean energy solutions provider, at Vail GMC Hummer, in Bedford Hills, Croton Auto Park, in Croton-on-Hudson, and Yonkers Honda in Yonkers.


The systems primarily use the solar energy stored in microgrid’s batteries to charge EVs on the lot.


The microgrid can optimize each dealer’s energy use, pulling power from or exporting it to the grid based on grid conditions. It also improves each dealerships energy resilience by ensuring operations continue during power outages.


“Dealerships have led the way in transportation electrification and finding ways to incorporate technology to reduce strains on the power grid,” said Mark Schienberg, president of the Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association. “These three business owners are providing additional leadership with these forward looking installations, showcasing how sustainable practices can benefit both business strength and the New York energy system.”


Sprocket Power leveraged federal incentive programs to reduce installation costs by up to 60%. It is expected that the dealerships will reduce their net utility bills by up to 90%.

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