8 Promises Fulfilled in 2024: Significant New Microgrid Projects Move Forward to Highlight a Year of Thankful Progress

Bronzeville neighborhood of Chicago. Image credit ComEd

Microgrids are not just for emergencies.

We learned that early this year. The idea that on-site power provides value year-around was driven home by Gil Bindewald, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity, when he spoke last April at the Microgrid Knowledge Conference in Baltimore.


“A lot of times when I see microgrid investments it is (only) when an event occurs. Please don’t wait. There is a value proposition in day-to-day normal conditions,” Bindewald during the MGK conference keynote in Baltimore last April.

 “You shouldn’t wait to have an event and then react because that is a disservice to the value you could draw. So, I promote thinking proactively to fully consider the value microgrids could offer.”


Hear, hear! At Microgrid Knowledge, we write plenty of stories about the power resilience that on-site power delivers during cataclysmic events. And we also cover those which are built for every day, not just the rainy day…and all over the world, not just the U.S.


Here is a rundown of eight microgrid projects operational and in focus this year. We’re not saying these are the only or most important microgrid efforts, but we are saying they cover most situations and intrigued many of our readers. They also prove significant for the industries or sectors they serve.


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