At major IEA conference, decision-makers from tech, energy and government underscore AI’s implications for energy security and transitions

Potential solutions to the challenges of integrating AI into the energy sector.

Leading figures from governments, the energy sector, the tech industry and civil society gathered this week for the first major international meeting of its kind addressing the deepening links between energy and artificial intelligence (AI) as the technology rapidly develops and uptake soars.

The IEA’s Global Conference on Energy & AI on 4 and 5 December featured a high-level roundtable focused on building strategic understanding on energy and AI topics and a technical forum for experts. The two-day event brought about 500 participants to the Agency’s headquarters in Paris to discuss how to securely and sustainably meet AI’s energy needs, as well as how the technology could be used to optimise energy systems and speed up the pace of energy innovation.

“There is no AI without energy – specifically electricity. Given the pace of AI adoption, now is the time for policy makers and industry to collaborate on a vision for meeting this fast-growing source of electricity demand in a secure and sustainable manner,” said IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol. “At the same time, AI is poised to be a transformative technology for the energy sector, with the potential to accelerate innovation, improve efficiency and security, and speed up energy transitions. This first-of-its-kind IEA conference provided an important venue to advance dialogue on these topics at a critical moment.”

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