Automation Is Key to Managing a More Complex Power Grid. These Projects Show How It Could Work

The research area of autonomous energy systems structures the electric grid into cells.

It used to be so simple: Electricity started with the power plants and ended at the homes and businesses. Now there is power coming from the opposite direction, a few more electrical connections at each building, and a lot more data.

As we update power systems to accommodates these changes, there is an opportunity to design adaptivity and intelligence into how electricity works for people, and the controls to do it are already available. In the autonomous energy systems portfolio, researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have made a menu of controls that deconstruct the grid into autonomous cells. Using artificial intelligence (AI) and distributed computing, their controls scale to an unlimited number of devices, and they are ripe for utilities, campuses, companies, and communities to make the most of local energy resources. Some are already taking advantage, and here is how.

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