Baltimore Utility Awarded $50M Grant for Grid Resilience Projects, Microgrids

Community resiliency hubs provide communities a safe place to gather during extended power outages.

Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE), the largest natural gas and electric utility in Maryland, was awarded up to $50 million in grant funding from the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) program.

BGE, a subsidiary of Exelon, will use the funds to advance its grid modernization efforts via the BGE Interconnection Readiness and Deployment of Storage (BIRDS) initiative.

A portion of the funds will be used to assess the broad adoption and effectiveness of small-scale microgrids that can serve as community resiliency hubs.


Community resiliency hubs provide communities a safe place to gather during extended power outages. Often powered by solar and storage microgrids, these hubs offer food, water, shelter, charging stations and a place to store temperature sensitive medications.

The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) has made significant investments in community resilience hub microgrids in recent years – the MEA’s budget for these types of installations for fiscal year 2024 is $6 million, more than twice the $2.7 million allocated in 2023. 

BGE will deploy community-owned battery, solar and EV charging stations, creating community resilience hubs in Howard County, which is just west of Baltimore. Two community organizations, OpenWorks and Civic Works, will partner with BGE on the project.

“This innovative partnership with BGE will help us further advance our efforts toward a greener, more sustainable future by expanding our renewable energy sources, increasing our resiliency to climate impacts, and growing our electric vehicle charging infrastructure to further support electric vehicle adoption. Additionally, in increasing our on-site solar energy generation and adding solar battery storage, we are helping to improve the overall resiliency of our electric grid,” said Calvin Ball, Howard County executive, in a statement.


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