Bs and Cs: Think Microgrid’s State Scorecard Indicates Projects Growing, but Grades Policy Making as Slow So Far

Microgrid project development is accelerating by double-digit percentage points on an annual basis in USA.

Microgrid project development is accelerating by double-digit percentage points on an annual basis—proving the energy market understands that decentralization can actually bolster grid-level power delivery for mission critical customers.

Developers, energy technology firms and end users are making the grade in uniting resiliency with sustainability. When it comes to state-level policy making, however, the efforts are falling short of helping microgrids realize their full potential as a key asset at the intersection of resiliency and sustainability.


Advocacy group Think Microgrid’s second annual State Scorecard somewhat echoes its first report released in late 2023—only a few of the good students (i.e., states) out there are proactive in moving microgrids forward. But even among the lagging states, microgrid enthusiasts are encouraged by the success of individual test cases, while seeing plenty of room for improvement going forward.



Once again, Think Microgrid’s study does not give a single “A” grade to any state for its microgrid policy making. Same as last year’s inaugural scorecard, only four states merited “B” marks, but one former member of that class dropped into the “C average” level.


This time around, it’s four states and a territory earning B-level plaudits from the Think Microgrid team. They are Connecticut, Maine, Colorado, Puerto Rico and Texas, which will be host to the Microgrid Knowledge Conference this April in Dallas. Maine is the newcomer to the B team for 2024 while Hawaii dropped to a C.


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