In our discussions on Net Zero and how we get there, there’s one critical resource that often goes unnoticed or overlooked but holds incredible potential: data. Net Zero Data is set to change this. From ensuring funding for major energy projects to helping local authorities make informed decisions, Net Zero Data offers a streamlined, data-driven approach to transform how we approach energy planning and management.
Why is Net Zero Data so crucial?
At a time when the pressure is on to cut costs, reduce emissions, and streamline decision making, the coordination between Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) and local authorities has become crucial. DNOs need to make large-scale, strategic investments in future energy assets. However, to secure funding from Ofgem, DNOs must demonstrate that these investments are necessary and future-proof. The catch? To make confident investment decisions, DNOs need reliable, actionable decisions and priorities from local authorities on the proposed location, scope, and potential impact of their Net Zero initiatives.
Yet, right now, many local authorities are asked to perform complex tasks – identifying and planning Net Zero projects – without adequate resources, funding, or effective tools. As a result, energy projects can be disjointed, inconsistent, and difficult for DNOs to align with Ofgem’s criteria for funding approval.
How Net Zero Data empowers local authorities
Net Zero Data offers a structured, accessible way for local authorities to evaluate their current projects, prioritise new ones, and coordinate more effectively. By consolidating and simplifying the data local authorities need, this resource helps local councils make better-informed decisions with greater confidence. Imagine being able to identify where resources are most urgently needed, which projects would have the greatest impact on carbon reduction, and how these plans align with the broader goals of both regional and national energy networks. This is exactly what Net Zero Data provides.
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Data, decisions, and DNOs – Sandeep Kang