DC’s Public Service Commission Seeking RFPs for Transactive Neighborhood Renewable Microgrid Pilot

Washington DC neighborhood.

Utility regulators for the District of Columbia are willing to wager that investment to strengthen the local grid is best deployed in new distributed energy projects that include multi-customer and neighborhood microgrids, according to a new request for proposals (RFP).

The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia has released the new RFP seeking pilot projects around a “transactive neighborhood renewable microgrid” concept. The microgrid pilot would connect multiple customers and would be supported by local utility Pepco.



It would receive funding from a special account created when corporate parent Exelon acquired Pepco about eight years ago. The $21.55 million pilot account, funded as part of the merger agreement, is set aside by the Public Service Commission of DC for modernization of the district’s electricity delivery system. 

“The project should be sized to target a neighborhood of 50-200 residences and other buildings but can be larger,” reads the Public Service Commission of DC’s document. “Buildings included in the microgrid can be residential, commercial, or municipal.”


The maximum commission funding contribution for the proposed microgrid would be $10 million, although an accepted project developer could seek additional financing elsewhere, according to the RFP. The contract would be in place for five years, at least two of which would include operations of the microgrid.

The transactive neighborhood renewable microgrid would be the third of four pilots supported by the funding, according to the RFP.

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