The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is seeking comments on proposed “ride-through” reliability standards for inverter-based resources, called IBRs, such as wind, solar and battery systems.
FERC is proposing to approve two North American Electric Reliability Corp. reliability standards dealing with the ability of IBRs to ride through frequency and voltage excursions like faults on the transmission system instead of tripping offline, according to FERC. The agency is also seeking more information on exemptions for existing IBRs.
“Generator ride-through is a foundational essential reliability service,” NERC said in its ride-through proposal. “Ensuring fault ride-through capability enables dynamic reactive power support, frequency response, and other services.”
NERC has been tracking a growing list of IBRs tripping offline because of grid disturbances, including an event in 2022 when about 2.5 GW of solar in Texas unexpectedly went offline. The sudden loss of generation poses reliability risks, according to NERC.
The grid watchdog organization said its proposal establishes a clear understanding of what it means for a generator to ride-through a disturbance; establishes voltage and frequency ride-through criteria for IBRs; and ensures that post-disturbance ramp rates return to pre-disturbance levels.
The proposal would take effect on the first day of the quarter that starts 12 months after it is approved by FERC.
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