FERC rejects plan to shift PJM’s transmission planning protocol in win for state regulators

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Dec. 6, 2024, rejected proposals that would have given PJM Interconnection transmission owners more control over the grid operator’s transmission planning process.

Concerned about a loss of regional transmission organization independence, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Friday rejected proposals that would have given PJM Interconnection transmission owners more control over the grid operator’s transmission planning process.


“We are concerned that these provisions violate the Commission’s independence requirement by providing a single stakeholder group, specifically, the PJM [transmission owners,] with undue influence over transmission planning and expansion, and thereby reducing PJM’s independent governance,” FERC said in response to one set of proposed changes.


The issue centers on three related filings by PJM’s transmission owners and the grid operator that would have shifted PJM’s Regional Transmission Expansion Planning, or RTEP, protocol from PJM’s Operating Agreement to the Consolidated Transmission Owners Agreement, or CTOA.


The RTEP protocol contains the rules and procedures PJM uses to develop its transmission plans. The transmission owners and PJM argued their plan was driven by a desire to give the grid operator the ability to make independent Federal Power Act section 205 filings to propose changes to the RTEP protocol.


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