Great River Energy, the not-for-profit power cooperative serving 1.7 million people across Minnesota and Wisconsin, today announced a partnership with Prisma Photonics to deploy its PrismaPower monitoring technology across approximately 90 miles of transmission lines in northern Minnesota.
The partnership will enable real-time monitoring and notification of threats to Great River Energy’s power lines and to its member-owners and customers. These threats include wildfires, icing, wind and physical damage, like downed lines.
The multi-year project will implement PrismaCircuit and PrismaClimate solutions across five critical transmission lines connected to four substations through fiber optic lines, strengthening grid resilience ahead of Minnesota’s challenging winter season. The monitored lines are in central and northern Minnesota.
“As we work to maintain reliable service for our member-owners throughout Minnesota’s distinct seasons, we’re leveraging innovative new technologies that maximize our existing infrastructure investments,» said Great River Energy’s Priti Patel, vice president and chief transmission officer. «This solution allows us to utilize our current fiber optic network in a new way to increase resilience in areas of northern and central Minnesota.”
Unlike traditional monitoring solutions that require installing physical sensors on power lines, Prisma Photonics’ technology transforms existing optical fiber infrastructure into an advanced sensing system. This approach enables seamless and rapid deployment without service interruption or the need for specialized installation crews. The technology covers every section of the monitored lines in all weather conditions.
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