Investing in the future of tech: Lessons from winning companies

Investing in the future of tech: Lessons from winning companies

As the suite of technology tools at companies’ fingertips continues its exponential growth, so does the demand for technology’s role in business. Tech transformations are not singular events but rather a constant reality of corporate life.1 According to our latest McKinsey Global Survey of technology and business leaders,2 most companies are investing in tech with future growth in mind, and they’re seeing positive results from the transformation work they’ve already done.



At the same time, the results suggest that there’s still a significant gap between the best tech transformations and the rest. We looked closely at the responses from financially successful organizations, which we refer to as “top performers.”3 According to respondents, these companies are further along than others in optimizing their technology organizations in the following ways, all of which can boost a tech transformation’s likelihood of success:


  • modernize architecture and platforms
  • build a future-ready tech talent pool
  • eliminate operating-model silos
  • demonstrate clear business value from tech investments

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