Local Area Energy Planning was developed by the Catapult over 10 years ago to help ensure that a local area’s unique characteristics play a central role in defining what the Net Zero transition looks like. Since then, over 30% of local areas across the UK have either got one or are developing one to support a place-based approach to the energy transition.
This approach sets out the importance of taking a whole energy system approach which is evidence-based and recognises the coordination required across many factors, including different stakeholders, to achieve Net Zero cost-effectively and ensure it is locally led, centring on local opportunities and benefits.
Lancaster City Council wanted a plan to help it support decarbonisation for both communities and businesses across its district. The result is a localised whole energy systems roadmap to decarbonisation which provides an evidence-based investment plan.
The LAEP sets out the changes required to transition the Lancaster District energy system and built environment to Net Zero while also addressing fuel poverty. It details what changes are required, where, when and by whom.
It also provides a high-level overview of the likely scale of investment that will be required to achieve Net Zero.
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