Managing the EV Surge: How Duke Energy Florida is Reducing Peak Demand through Behavioral Charging

EV adoption rates in Florida are projected to continue rising.

As electric vehicle (EV) ownership accelerates across the U.S., utilities face the critical challenge of managing the increased energy load. For Duke Energy Florida, which serves nearly 2 million customers in one of the country’s fastest-growing EV markets, finding a sustainable way to manage this growth was essential. EV adoption rates in Florida are projected to continue rising, with Guidehouse Insights estimating EV registrations to surpass 3.6 million by 2032. Facing the reality of this rapid increase, Duke Energy Florida took proactive steps to manage grid load while continuing to support its customers’ EV adoption journey.


In collaboration with Itron, the utility launched a four-year Behavioral Managed EV Charging Program aimed at reducing peak grid load by encouraging EV owners to charge during off-peak hours. This article outlines the program’s objectives, challenges and successes, offering insight into an effective approach for managing EV-driven load increases.


Florida’s transition to EVs is driven by both environmental goals and rising demand from consumers. According to Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE), Florida’s cumulative EV sales reached 335,826 by June 2024, reflecting a 45% growth over the previous year. The surge in EV adoption presented Duke Energy Florida with a clear challenge: managing the growing load from residential EV charging on the low-voltage distribution grid while maintaining system reliability and customer satisfaction. To do this, the utility needed a program that would not only shift demand from peak to off-peak hours but also incentivize lasting behavior changes among EV owners.


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