Meet the moment

Digital leaders have widened their competitive distance by 60 percent in the past three years.

Generative AI has sparked a renaissance in business innovation—and this year, the boldest leaders have started to realize value from it.

There’s room for more to blaze a trail. CEOs, boards, and top executives across industries can transform their organizations with gen AI as their copilot. To get started, they can take a page from companies that have flourished and begin rewiring their organizations to outcompete.

But embracing innovation isn’t just about being open to new technology. Leadership, too, calls for courageous, incisive change, and some of our most actionable insights this year mapped that journey. Growth remains as important as ever, but how to sustain it? Organizations should zero in on what they do best, cultivating their superpowers to amplify growth for the long run.

As you revisit McKinsey’s sharpest takes from 2024, you’ll find several articles from McKinsey Quarterly, now celebrating 60 years of helping executives define the most valuable opportunities on the management agenda—and how to act on them.

Through insights, images, and arresting data, our year-in-review experience reflects on the most interesting trends and topics of 2024. We hope it will get you thinking about what comes next—in gen AI, leadership, and more—and set you up to make brilliant moves in 2025 and beyond.

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La tecnología se aplica a través de servicios  y se encuentran políticas y regulaciones transversales establecidas.

La tecnología se aplica de manera generalizada  y se tiene un despliegue masivo de esta.

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